Loom Repairs
Have a loom in need of a little TLC?
Peter may be able to assist you, but realise not all looms are able to be brought back to life at a reasonable cost.
Some looms were made by a loving hubbie for a devoted wife. It worked well when new, maybe had a tiny shed, but the wife never complained.
Pete is not a fan of sinking shed table looms, and there are quite a few out there!. Some shaft lifting levers will wear out and be quite pricey to replace. So, if you would like to find out if your older loom is worth fixing, send us a pic or two ... pics(at)petlins.com
Dog chewed a piece? Send us a pic, we may ask you to send the piece to us, or provide some very accurate measurements.
Transport will be the big expense if you need to send a loom to us....
Ratchet teeth broken? That can be problematic as there are so many different designs and ways of attaching to a loom roller
We do carry new springs, wire and Texsolv heddles, Texsolv cord and pegs, stainless reeds and can obtain parts for your newer Ashford loom (they now require photo proof of the need for supply!)
Worth it to ask a question....