Rigid Heddle Style

Rigid Heddle Style

Rigid Heddle Style Weaving Looms

Many customers ask......
Q1 What is the difference between a Knitters Loom and a Rigid Heddle Loom?
A1  BOTH are rigid heddle looms and operate exactly the same way
A2  Knitters Looms come lacquered and assembled - the rigid heddle looms are bare timber kitsets
A3 The knitters loom folds in the middle to make it more compact for carrying - the rigid heddle loom does not fold
A4  Knitters looms come in 30, 50 and 70cm widths - rigid heddle looms come in 40, 60, 80 and 120cm widths
A5  The rigid heddle refers to the part in the middle which the weaver moves up and down to form the shed and also moves forward to beat/move the last weft pick into place. (In a conventional loom, the heddles are thin metal or cotton, hence are not rigid and a separate beater containing a reed does the beating!)
A6 The rigid heddle loom is more robust (heavier timbers) than the knitters loom, making them ideal for tapestry type weaving as well.


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